My court experience today

Today, I was in court to drop my new motion to stay of election on August 11, 2018, and wanted to pick up my other papers (ex parte motion) that Judge Chang already denied.

But, the judge’s staff, Jayce or Giese (phonetic) and (Iris) gave me hard time in the name of (they are) “in the middle of trial”.

I understand they are busy, but they should do their job, which includes accepting motion papers.

I followed their procedures; and checked in with Sheriff’s office first. Because they did not receive repeated phone calls from the office, they told me to go and check in judge’s office.

Giese or Jayce asked me if I already checked with Sheriff’s office, not in a pleasant way.

I hope they don’t intentionally annoy me or confuse me.
(Plz, remember Iris previously suggested I should file ex parte motion and I followed her advice without thinking; and, Judge denied the motion…gee…lol)

Giese or Jayce had told me the papers with denial should be ready by yesterday. But, the papers were not even ready today for me to pick up.

Also, as I wanted to leave my new motion papers, (I waited more than an hour in the hallway), he file stamped on the original and gave back to me. (He should have given me a copy after putting the filing stamp on it. And, he rushed back to his office, even if I shouted out to him he gave me the original back. So, I called him and left a voice mail.)

I am just sharing my experience with court.


About The Author

Doctor of Dental Surgery
(Columbia University, 1993)
Singer and Songwriter
ALOHA Activist and Reformer; Relatively Well Equipped with Law, Self-Taught (Unlicensed) Legal Expert with More Than 10 Years of Experience, and Some Practical Knowledge of Psychology.

Paid for by Richard Kim for Governor
95-1050 Makaikai Street, #8K
Honolulu, Hawaii 96789