In Hawaii, every resident would carry Aloha (Credit) Score in addition to FICA credit score?…
And, to be qualified as a permanent resident of Hawaii (e.g. for the purpose of tax return), you may need to have some (at least a few years?) history of the aloha score.
One reason, we may want to make Hawaii residency expensive; this may be one way we control influx of unnecessary population?
Regardless, however, there has to be guarantee of freedom and Constitutional rights to anyone (legally) coming and/or living in Hawaii.
More details can be explored; and this would be one of my future goals and dream too, even if it may not happen (if and) during my administration.
Note: The aloha score may not have to be the recent scores, although preferred; since we want to include anyone who had lived in Hawaii, to give a better chance to come back home, e.g. folks in the 9th island, Las Vegas…
Aloha Dept may and can function like Moody’s (S&P) in Aloha (or releated credit) Score, e.g. character and good ethics score…
In Media Reform,
We may need to seperate and rate them accordingly; the whole news organization, individual journalist, and individual article, etc.
If (and/or when) government funding is allocated for them to use (due to their financial need); bad rating means no subsidy (or repeated bad rating means even suspension of their privileges?), good rating means much subsidy, and depending on their popularity by e.g. number of views and/or circulations.
Aloha Dept may play a crucial role in the decision making on the rating.
Some of my conversations in Richard Kim for Governor, e.g. regarding Media Reform.
Kandie Kato: I want to know How and What you intend to reform with the media. And what basic right are you speaking of. How, specifically, would you address any problems?
Richard Kim for Governor:
Specifics can always be changed, if, after I get elected.
That is why I don’t want to go in to much details, although I do have some ideas.
For example, (which is only my thought at this time), in media reform, we can think of a rating system like health dept rating on restaurants.
But, among other things, we may need to be careful who and which dept would determine the rating. Because, I don’t want any government agency to handle them, due to possible conflict of interest.
Maybe, third party like, my prospective non government agency, “Aloha Dept” may be a good choice.
But, there are tons of sensitive corresponding and/or other issues we may have to deal, in order to make it work; so I would not state any more at this time.
One reason is because we may also need to find a way to guarantee media’s free press right and freedom of speech, while we control and make sure that they do not overuse or abuse their power.
Simply, it can become very sensitive; so I would want to not discuss details til and after I get elected. But, the need of “media reform” is no question, and is very necessary; and it would be one of my priorities.
Thanks for your question.